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Respondus 4 - Export a Quiz from Canvas to Respondus

This article lists the steps to importing a quiz or question bank from Canvas into a Respondus project file. Respondus cannot export quizzes and question libraries from Canvas. To export a question bank, a temporary quiz is used.

Part 1 (Exporting question banks only): Create a temporary quiz

Create a temporary quiz containing all the questions you would like to include from your course question banks for your export.

  1. Login to Canvas with your UWM Digital Identity and password and navigate to the course that has the question bank for the export.
  2. Select Quizzes from the navigation menu.
  3. At the top of the quiz list on the right side, select +Quiz to create a new quiz. (Select Classic Quiz).

    This image shows the Canvas course navigation on the left of the screen and the way to make a new quiz is highlight on the upper right.

  4. Name the quiz after the question bank that is being exported (i.e. Chapter01 Question Bank).
  5. Next to the Details tab select the Questions tab.
  6. Select Find Questions.

    This image highlights that Chapter01 is selected for the question bank and that the select all box has been checked for the questions.

  7. Select the question bank in the pop-up window and scroll through the question list to select all the questions for the export.
  8. Once all the questions for the export have been chosen, select Add Questions.
  9. Save the quiz but do not publish it. 
  10. The quiz can be deleted after the export has been completed. 

Part 2: Export the temporary question bank quiz

  1. In the course, select Settings from the navigation menu.
  2. On the right side of the screen, select Export Course Content.

    This image shows where to find the export course content button in the settings of a Canvas course.

  3. Under Export Type, select the Quiz button.

    This image shows a highlight for the quiz radio button and the file that has been selected as Question Bank Export 01.

  4. Under Select Quizzes to Export, select the quiz that has been turned into a question bank.
  5. Select Create Export.
  6. The next page titled Content Exports will show a blue progress bar for the export. 

An email will be sent to the UWM email address associated with the account with a link to download the export .zip file. Reload the Content Exports page for a link to download the .zip file at the top of the page.

Part 3: Importing the quiz into Respondus 4

  1. Open up the Respondus 4 application. 
  2. Under Current Personality, select IMS QTI from the drop-down menu.

    This image shows the respondus 4 homepage and the current personality that is set to IMS QTI.

  3. Select Import Questions from the Open and Create menu.
  4. Next to File name select Browse.

    This image highlights the import file feature in respondus 4. It directs to the file browser.

  5. On the bottom right of your file browser, change the file type from the drop-down menu to Zipped IMS QTI package (.zip).

    This image shows how to change the file browser in respondus 4 to look for zipped IMS QTI files.

  6. Select the file recently exported from Canvas.
  7. Name the new Respondus 4 document.
  8. Check Use Stem if Respondus 4 should number the questions in a certain way.
  9. Select the Preview button to make sure there are no problems with the questions and to determine if the questions will import properly. 
  10. Select Finish upon reviewing the preview.

Keywordsquiz, exam, item bank, question bank, respondus, quiz export   Doc ID83274
OwnerBenjamin G.GroupCETL
Created2018-06-29 12:21:33Updated2024-08-16 18:46:39
SitesUW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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