Topics Map > Ed Tech Tools > Video Tools > UPLOADING AND STORING VIDEO (My Media)
Topics Map > Ed Tech Tools > Video Tools > EMBEDDING VIDEO IN CANVAS
Topics Map > Ed Tech Tools > Video Tools > PUBLISHING AND SHARING VIDEO

How do I find a video in My Media using a Canvas Page

This tutorial will show you how to locate a My Media video, if you have the video embedded in a Canvas Page, and you need to find that specific video in My Media.

Before you Begin:

This tutorial will show you how to locate a My Media video or audio file that has ALREADY been uploaded to My Media. Videos may have be added to your My Media account in multiple ways.
  • You may have uploaded a video to My Media at another time, for a different course or semester.
  • Your video may have been automatically uploaded using the Kaltura Capture tool. Here is a tutorial on creating a Kaltura Capture presentation.
  • A colleague may have uploaded a video and changed ownership of that video to you.
  • A colleague may have uploaded a video and added you as a Co-Editor or Co-Publisher.

Step #1

  1. To locate a videos, you can examine the embed code, in the Page in Canvas. To find that specific video in My Media, you’ll need to “Edit" the Page, and click the HTML button.

Step #2


This will show you the HTML code, which will contain the embed code for the video. 
  1. Examine the code and locate the “entryid” text. Locate the series of letters and number that are AFTER the "entryid%2F” and BEFORE “%2F” text (see screenshot below). 
  2. This series of letters and numbers is the unique ID for the video in My Media. Copy the ID to your clipboard.

Step #3


Login to Canvas
  1. Click Account in the global navigation on the left. 
  2. Select My Media.

Step #3


  1. Paste the entry ID into the search field in My Media and hit the enter key on your keyboard (see screenshot below). This will display the specific video with that unique ID.

Keywordsvideo My Media Canvas Page embed code Entry ID   Doc ID121051
OwnerAmy M.GroupCETL
Created2022-09-02 16:23:41Updated2022-09-02 16:49:49
SitesUW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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