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Canvas for Instructors - How do I download, mark, and re-upload student submissions from assignments?

This article discusses the process of downloading student submissions from a Canvas assignment, grading or providing feedback on the assignments, and then uploading them back into Canvas for students to receive their feedback.

Before you begin

Please note that most instructors will not need to use these instructions. The Speedgrader tool in Canvas allows you to annotate, grade, and provide feedback through text, audio, or video comments without leaving the course. This process is for instructors who have a particular reason for grading assignments outside of the Canvas Speedgrader.

Bulk downloading student submissions

  1. Log into Canvas and select your course site.
  2. Click the Assignments link in the course navigation.
  3. Click on the specific assignment students submitted to.
  4. On the far right of the assignment page, click "Download Submissions."

    canvas download submission screenshot

  5. All the submissions will be compressed into a .zip file.
  6. Click the link to download the .zip file.

    download zip file screenshot

  7. Save the .zip file and open it on your computer.
  8. Each student submission will be named with the students' name from Canvas.
  9. Complete your grading for each submission. Save the edited document or the scanned version of the document with the original file name of the student submission.

Re-uploading student submissions back into Canvas

  1. Make sure that the edited or scanned documents have the same exact name of the original student submission that was downloaded.
  2. Collect all the files and compress them into a new .zip file.
  3. Go back to the assignment in your Canvas site. There should be a "Re-Upload Submissions" button on the right side of the page.
  4. Click "Re-Upload Submissions" and select the .zip file that was just created from your file browser.

    reupload assignments canvas screenshot

  5. Open and upload the .zip file.
  6. You should see the results of the upload, and each student will see the file in the feedback panel of their assignment.

KeywordsCanvas grade mark feedback assignments upload download   Doc ID106315
OwnerBenjamin G.GroupCETL
Created2020-10-01 14:22:31Updated2023-11-01 10:21:59
SitesUW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Feedback  1   0