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How do I Order and Edit Automated Captions through My Media in Canvas?

This tutorial provides links to articles that will explain how to order and edit automated captions within the My Media in Canvas.

Providing Captioning Accommodations

If you have a student in your class with documented captioning accommodations, the Accessibility Resources Center can provide assistance with captioning media. The Accessibility Resources Center can be contacted at:

About Automated Captioning in My Media:

    Even if you don't have a student with a captioning accommodation, you should consider creating media that offers proactive captioning. Captions are useful for students who are English language learners. In addition, Research shows that being able to read accurate text and listen to audio content can help students comprehend and retain information better.

    My Media is the video distribution tool integrated with Canvas. My Media offers a captioning feature that generates captions free-of-charge and automatically embeds the captions into the uploaded video. Captions created through My Media are "machine-generated" with speech recognition technology. In other words, the captions are produced without input from a human transcriber. While these captions are very accurate, they're not accurate enough for students who rely on these captions. It's important to edit captions and make corrections, usually to punctuation and spelling of disciplinary terms, in order to ensure the captions are accurate. My Media offers a user-friendly caption editing tool that makes correcting automated captions easy. 
    Below are tutorial that will show you how to upload a video, order captions, and edit captions using the online caption editing tool available through the My Media in Canvas.

    Step #1: Upload your media to generate automatic captions

    Beginning in December 2021, all videos uploaded to My Media are automatically captions. When you embed the video into a Page in Canvas, the closed caption button will be visible on the player for your students.
    • You can use these instructions to upload and embed your media into your Canvas course site:
    • If the media has already been uploaded and you need to embed the media into a Canvas Page, you can use these instruction: 
    Please note, to ensure that the CC button is available to your students in the player, be sure to select the “Default” player when following the tutorial.

    Step #2: Editing Automated Captions

    Use the following tutorial to edit automated captions within the My Media in Canvas: -- with the following modifications:
    • Please note, to access your My Media videos, you will log into UWM's Canvas instance
    • Click on Account in Global Navigation (black bar), then click on My Media.

    KeywordsHow do I Edit Automated Captions My Media Canvas?   Doc ID104808
    OwnerAmy M.GroupCETL
    Created2020-08-10 12:41:22Updated2023-01-25 14:04:49
    SitesUW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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