Canvas - Integration - Hawkes

Hawkes is approved for use within the Digital Learning Environment (DLE). The Hawkes single sign-on (SS) and Sync tools require a shared key and secret; contact your Hawkes educational courseware representative for this information.


Hawkes Learning is a 3rd party web interface that allows instructors to create and provide access to formative and summative math content for their students. There are two sub-integrations associated with Hawkes. First, there is a Sync tool. This allows instructors to sync student results from the Hawkes web interface with their Canvas Grades for the course. Second, there is a Single Sign-on tool. This allows students to access Hawkes through Canvas without having to create a Hawkes-specific username and password.



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KeywordsExternal Apps LTI math HawkesDoc ID93284
OwnerJason Z.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2019-07-22 12:44:57Updated2024-06-06 11:24:32
SitesUW Green Bay, UW System Administration DLE, UW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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