Microsoft 365 (Apple Calendar) - Inviting a Resource Calendar

These instructions assume you have been granted invite permissions to an M365 resource. If you have problems inviting the resource or are not sure what permissions you have been granted, contact the owner of the resource. If you do not know the resource owner, contact the DoIT Help Desk.. In addition, it will show you how to invite others to the meeting you are scheduling.

Before attempting to schedule a resource, please be sure that your Apple Mail and Apple Calendar account is configured for access to your M365 Exchange account.

Note: It recommended to use Outlook On the Web(OWA) to reserve a resource. This user is specifically designed to work with M365 provide greater integration and flexibility than Apple Calendar.

Important: WiscCal resources cannot receive event invitations from an external system (e.g. M365). Any invitations for WiscCal resources must come from a WiscCal account.

Creating a new meeting to reserve a resource or room in M365 using Apple Calendar.

  1. Open the Calendar application, either from the task bar or from Applications in Finder.

    calendar icon

  2. Select the date and time that you would like to have your event and double click on the time to open a new event tab. From here you will create your event and invite all necessary resources and participant contacts. Note: The location field does not reserve any resource. Resources should rather be placed in the attendees field for them to be reserved.

    calendar time selection

  3. Name the event, and invite the contacts and resources that you stored in Contacts previously.

    enter desired name/title of event

  4. Ensure that all resources and invitees to the meeting have been added:

  5. Click send to complete and send your invitation & log the event to your calendar.

Adding a resource or room to your contact list (Optional)

For ease of use, it may be helpful to add commonly used resources to your contacts list.

    1. Open Contacts and add the resource that you need. To do so, open Finder, navigate to Go, select Applications and then Contacts.

  1. Click on Contacts, select the Directory Services (for non-migrated resources) or Exchange Global Address List (for M365 listed resources) and search for your resource.

  2. Once you have found your resources, add them as contacts. This will help you to find them as invitees to your event in order to invite them as a resource. Search for and find your resource:

  3. Now add the resource as a contact. You will either see this prompt:

  4. Or this prompt:

  5. Click where appropriate to add the resource to your contacts.

microsoft office365 o365 invite schedule scheduling apple calendar resource room vacation equipment reserve invitee 
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