Office 365 (Apple iCal/Calendar) - Modify an Event

This document explains how to modify an event using Apple iCal (Mac OS 10.5-7) or Calendar (Mac OS 10.8-9-10) in Office 365.

Modify an Event

iCal/Calendar provides several ways one can modify an event.

Info Window

These three methods below open an Info window which is limited to just the selected event. This may appear next to the event itself or in a separate window.

  • Double-click the event to open the Info window.
    • To modify the event in OS 10.8, click the Edit button.

      Information Window - Mountain Lion/10.8

    • To modify event details in OS 10.10/10.9, click on the specific item you'd like to edit, such as the date and time or title.

      Information Window - Yosemite/10.10 | Maverick/10.9

  • Select the event you wish to modify with a single mouse left-click and from the menu bar select Edit -> Edit Event -or- Edit -> Get Info, both of which open the same view for you to modify event properties.
  • Select the event you wish to modify with a single mouse left-click and on your keyboard type CMD-E (Edit Event) -or- CMD-I (Open Info), both of which open the same view for you to modify event properties.
  • Right-click on the event and left-click the Get Info option.

Note: In OS X 10.9, in order to add a reminder, recurrence, or alert, click on the date of the event within the Info window.

Inspector Window

The Inspector window, unlike an Info window, will change its content to show the currently selected event. Like the Info window, you can modify event properties with the Inspector window, yet you do not need to close the Inspector window when you finish your modifications. Selecting another event will cause the Inspector window to show the newly selected event's properties.

You may find the Inspector window a useful addition to your iCal/Calendar workflow by leaving it in View mode all the time and positioned to the left or right of the main iCal/Calendar window.

To Hide/View the Inspector window:

  • From the menu bar select Edit -> Show/Hide Inspector.
  • On your keyboard type CMD-ALT-I.

Keywordscalendaring calendars oracle events appointments agenda tasks apple macosx ical 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 mountain lion snow leopard mavericks office 365 o365 o365   Doc ID89519
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2019-02-06 10:47:38Updated2023-06-05 13:45:01
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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