Canvas - Help Finding Missing Courses for Instructors

The article provides a five-step guide for instructors to address missing courses in Canvas. The steps include checking the provisioning timeline, inspecting the Canvas Courses page, evaluating crosslisted courses, verifying instructor status, and contacting CETL if necessary. The procedure is closely tied to verifying PAWS data and requires coordination with relevant departmental and institutional authorities to resolve any discrepancies.

Step 1: Check for Provisioning

Courses are provisioned in Canvas based on data in the Schedule of Classes and PAWS. About 60 days before the first day of a specific class, the enrollments, instructor assignment, and section information is shared from PAWS to Canvas.

The start date of a class is determined by the session assigned to the class in PAWS.

  • What is the first day of the missing class in PAWS? (Time and Date calculator)
    • The class is more than 60 days in the future - Your course will be unavailable in Canvas. For now, develop your next semester's course using a sandbox. -- request a new sandbox course.
    • The class is less than 60 days in the future - Move to step 2 for the next step.

Step 2: Check Your Canvas Courses Page

The Canvas Dashboard does not show all courses, which can be problematic for people who are assigned many sessions in PAWS.

Step 3: Check for Crosslisting

Canvas courses are created based on information from PAWS. if course sections are grouped together in one of several ways in PAWS, sections will be "bundled" with each other in Canvas. The Course Code can make it look like a section is not in Canvas when in reality, Canvas is following the data in PAWS.

To fix data in PAWS, the Registrar's Office or your department's Schedule of Classes Coordinator must fix the data. Sometimes that can't be done in a timely fashion, or the courses must be configured a specific way in PAWS for room scheduling reasons.

If, for whatever reason the course can't be "un-bundled" (de-crosslisted) in PAWS, Canvas Administrators can usually make adjustments to courses in Canvas.

  • Check your existing courses to see if course sections are crosslisted. Is the missing course section crosslisted inappropriately or in an unwanted way?
    • Yes - If the crosslisting is not ideal, move to Step 5.
    • No - Move to Step 4.

Step 4: Verify You are the Instructor-of-Record

People assigned courses as Primary Instructors in PAWS are enrolled in Canvas Courses as Teachers. Others may be enrolled as TAs, or students. If you don't see a course, verify you are the instructor-of-record in a class. If not, your department should add you to sections as a Primary Instructor if possible.

If, as a TA, you are not enrolled as a Teacher in your course, your department should try to assign the course for you in PAWS as Primary Instructor or ensure the Course Program Coordinator is enrolled added as a Primary Instructor. 

Step 5: If all else fails

Please contact the CETL Support Commons. Provide as much information as possible including the section you are missing, your school/college, and verify whether you've spoken with your SoC Coordinator or department.

KeywordsCanvas, provisioning, PAWS, courses, enrollments, instructor assignment, Schedule of Classes, missing class, dashboard, crosslisting, Course Code, Instructor-of-Record, CETL Support Commons, university, department, school/college, TA, Teacher, Primary Instructor, sandbox course   Doc ID88054
OwnerDavid D.GroupCETL
Created2018-11-29 12:30:32Updated2024-02-19 22:12:50
SitesUW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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