Logging Into a Mac Following a Password Change

This article contains steps for logging into a Mac computer following a password change.

If you change your ePanther ID password while you are logged in to your Mac, Jamf Connect will prompt you to sign into the application. After signing in, Jamf Connect will update all user keychain items and no further action will be necessary. 

If you change your ePanther ID password from another device while your Mac is turned off, you will need to reauthenticate at the FileVault screen using your old password. After logging into the computer, Jamf Connect will prompt you to sign into the application. After signing in, Jamf Connect will update all keychain items and no further action will be necessary.

After signing into Jamf Connect, the password expiration notice should refresh, showing the number of days before your new password expires. If the expiration notice does not refresh or displays an inaccurate count, be sure you connect to the VPN if off campus. If you are on campus ensure that you are connected to Ethernet, UWMWiFi, or Eduroam. The password expiration notification requires a connection to Active Directory. The connection is only required to refresh the password expiration policy, once the policy is refreshed and the password expiration notice is updated, the VPN can be disconnected unless otherwise required. Jamf Connect does not require a constant connection to Active Directory.

keychain, macos, osx, password, reset, mac, epanther, filevault, encrypt, nomad 
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