Teams (How to) Participate as a Team Member

This article will provide instructions on how to participate as a team member in Microsoft Teams.


Teams are a collection of people, content, and tools surrounding different projects and outcomes within an organization.
  • Teams can be created to be private to only invited users.
  • Teams can also be created to be public and open and anyone within the organization can join (up to 5000 members).


There are two different views that you can choose from in Teams:
  • Grid - This view displays all of your teams as a grid. Once you select a team, you will see your team's name, and the channels in the list pane, and the content of the respective channel that you have selected in the list pane will be displayed in the content pane. 
  • List - This view displays all of your teams as a list. You can choose to display your channels of each team or collapse them in the list pane. Like the grid view, you will also see the content of the respective channel that you have selected in the list pane displayed in the content pane. 

To switch between views:

  • Click on the person icon in the top right corner of your screen.
  • From the drop down menu, click on the button for Settings
  • From Settings, make sure General is selected. 
  • Under the heading for layout, select whichever view you prefer: Grid or List.
  • Your teams will now be displayed in the view you selected. 

Team Roles

There are two main roles in Microsoft Teams:
  • Team owner - The person who creates the team. Team owners can make any member of their team a co-owner when they invite them to the team or at any point after they have joined the team. Having multiple team owners lets you share the responsibilities of managing settings and membership, including invitations.
  • Team members - The people who the owners invite to join their team.

Joining a Team

To Join a Team, you will either be added to a team by an owner or an owner will send you a code. 

  • If you are added to a team: By default, you will receive an email notification that you have been added to a team. Additionally, you will see this information in your Activity Feed, and you will receive a desktop notification. If you have changed your notification settings, you may not see the same types of notifications. 
  • To Join a Team with a code: Click on the Teams tab in the navigation bar. If you are in the grid view navigate to your grid home page where all your teams are listed. 
  • Locate the option to Join a team with a code.
  • Enter or paste the code in the text box. 
  • Click the button to Join team.
  • You will now be added to the team. 

Leaving a Team

To leave a team: 

  • Click on the (more options) button next to the team name. 
  • In the menu that appears, select the option to Leave the team
  • You will now be removed from the team and will no longer see it in your teams list. 


Overview of teams and channels in Microsoft Teams - This Microsoft article will give an overview of teams and channels. 
What the guest experience is like - This article will give an overview of the guest experience in Teams. 
Microsoft Teams tips & tricks - This is a listing of various tips and tricks provided by Microsoft. 

KeywordsTeams, how, to, participate, team, owner, microsoft, o365, office, 365, channels, members, standard, private, roles, member.   Doc ID73748
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2017-06-02 08:50:52Updated2023-06-05 13:44:59
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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