Microsoft MFA - UWM MFA-Secured Applications and Session Length Durations

MFA has a "Remember Me" feature which allows it to retain your authentication for up to a specific length of time. The specified length of time varies based on the application you are authenticating with.


Beginning on June 14, 2022, UWM applications session durations were changed from 14 days to the new standard in accordance with UW System Board of Regents Information Security Policy. 

The chart below shows the session duration based on the application:


 "Remember Me" Duration

 M365 Web User  12 hours
UWM Systems (Canvas, PAWS, etc.)  12 hours
 M365 Desktop and Mobile User  90 days

Any web applications will require authentication every 12 hours, despite that it will display a "remember me for 90 days" box. This message or option cannot be removed from the authentication process as it is Microsoft messaging. The message does not apply to UWM web based applications.

If you change your password, you will need to re-authenticate with all applications. All authentication automatically resets in the event of a password reset. 

Microsoft, mfa, multifactor, multi-factor, authentication, remember, me, duration, length, time, durations, duration's, m365, azure, 14, days, 90, session, time, out, timeout, canvas, hours, 12, prompt, 
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