Respondus Exam Manager - Create a Respondus File (to Begin Entering Questions)

Learn how to create a new Respondus file (also called a project). Do this to start creating a collection of questions for a quiz or a course's question library.

What is a File?

In Respondus, a collection of questions to be used for a quiz or question library is referred to simply as a file. Once the file is created, questions can be created, imported from a Word, RTF or text file, or questions can be downloaded from the Respondus Test Bank network. 

Creating a New File

From the Respondus Start menu, click the Create button to create a new file. You are first prompted to enter a file name and a description for the file. Make sure the Current Personality is set to Canvas from the drop-down menu displayed in the screenshot below. 

This image highlights the create option on the Respondus home screen.

Choose distinct names that have meaning. A file name might consist of the name of a course, the term and the question library section, or name of a quiz. Further information can be entered in the Description field.

This image shows the pop-up to create a new file in respondus.

Questions can be created for quizzing (labeled Exams), or for surveys. Select the appropriate option. (If Survey is chosen, questions will not have points).

Click OK when finished. Once a file is created, you will be switched to the Edit menu. Questions can now be added to the project file.

This article is based on documentation provided by Respondus and is re-used with permission.

Keywordsrespondus, vendor, doc, documentation, publisher, owner, software, quiz, quizzing, question, question library, create, new, make, canvas   Doc ID67715
OwnerDavid D.GroupCETL
Created2016-10-10 15:50:22Updated2023-09-05 16:46:56
SitesUW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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