Teams Calls (How To) Park Calls

This article provides instructions on how to park a call in the Microsoft Teams desktop app.

Parked Calls

Parked Calls is a Tams hold feature within the Calls tab. Here you can place calls on hold on one device, and pickup that call in your Teams app on another device. For more information on parked calls please refer to this article by Microsoft. For further instructions please review Microsoft's article, Park a call in Teams.


To Park a Call

  1. When you are on a call, locate the task bar at the top of your call window. 
  2. Click on the (...) More options button.
  3. Click on the button for Park Call.
  • This will place the caller on hold, and teams will assign a number code to the parked call. 

Once the call is parked, it will appear at the top of your call history. Here you have the option to Dismiss or Copy code. 

To pick up a parked call on the same device

  • Click the Parked calls button under your dial pad, enter the code, click Pick up, and your call will resume. The call will automatically be taken off hold.

To pick up a parked call in the Teams app on another device

  1. Open the Calls tab. 
  2. Tap the Parked calls button.
  3. Enter the parked call code and tap OK.

  • This will resume the parked call on your new device. The call will automatically be taken off hold. 

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