Wired Network (Information)

This article provides information about UWM's Wired Network. The wired network is considered to be any University device that is connected via ethernet cable to a data jack in the wall. A personal device can only be used to access the wired network within the residence halls.

Service Description 

The wired network service provides Ethernet connections for various devices in locations on campus and in certain facilities located off campus 24 hours a day. This service provides network access via a wired connection through an active data jack. Any Ethernet capable network device can make use of this service. 
The Wired Network has the following features: 
  • Network access for computers in offices, classrooms, labs and other locations  


  • Students
  • Faculty, staff
  • Emerit faculty and staff  

Service Access 

No credentials are required to access this service. 
Access for offices 
To request a new wired network connection for an office, please complete a Telephone and Network Services Order at the following webpage: Wired Network and Telephone Services Order Form (TSO)
Access for classrooms 
Most classrooms and lecture halls contain at least one wired network connection for devices necessary for conducting academic classes. Some classrooms and lecture halls may have additional jacks for use by students. 
Access for residence halls 
Wired network connections in all residence halls are supported by Apogee which can be contacted at the following:
  • Phone: (855) 868-7158 (24 hours/day, 365 days/year, works across all UWM residences)
  • Email: support@myresnet.com
  • Web: myresnet.com/support

Service Availability

This service is available 24/7 except during scheduled maintenance periods and unscheduled outages. For information about time frames when service is unavailable, visit the following webpage: Outages
Scheduled Maintenance Windows 
Scheduled maintenance that affected the wired network will be communicated to affected stakeholders prior to undertaking any work that interrupts service. 
Scheduled or Unplanned Outages 
Information about scheduled or unplanned outages is posted at the following webpage: Outages.

Service Charges 

There are no charges associated with the use of this service. There may be charges for cabling and labor when new jacks are installed or other physical work needs to take place to activate a data jack. 

Getting Help 

For connectivity issues, please contact the UWM Help Desk at 414-229-4040, toll free at 877-381-3459 or online at uwm.edu/helpdesk. When requesting help with the wired network, please be prepared to provide the jack number, computer type (e.g., PC or Mac), and applicable networking hardware and software information (e.g., network card model, MAC address, IP address). A Help Desk consultant can assist in finding this information. 
To request a new wired network connection for an office and/or to activate an existing data jack, please complete a Data Service Request


Wired, Network, ethernet, data, jack, active, device, noc, network ops, network operations 
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