M365 Outlook (How To) Reply to or Forward an Email Message

Following are instructions on how to reply to or forward an email message using Microsoft's Outlook email application. To navigate to the instructions for the type of device you are using, please click the appropriate link below.

Outlook for Windows


  1. In the Reading Pane (Reading Pane: A window in Outlook where you can preview an item without opening it. To display the item in the Reading Pane, click the item.), click Reply, Reply All, or Forward.

    Reply, Reply All, and Forward commands in the Reading Pan

    If the Reading Pane is off or if you've opened the message in its own window, on the Home or Message tab, click Reply, Reply All, or Forward.

    Respond group on the ribbon

  2. Write your message.

    Note If you'd like to open your reply in a new window (so you can do things like change the font), click the Pop Out button.

    Reply Pop Out button in Reading Pane

  3. Recipients can be added or removed in the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes (To, Cc, and Bcc boxes: A message is sent to the recipients in the To box. Recipients in the Cc (carbon copy) and Bcc (blind carbon copy) boxes also get the message; however, the names of the recipients in the Bcc box aren't visible to other recipients.).
  • Add a recipient ; Click To, Cc or Bcc, and then select a recipient. You can also type the recipient's name or email address in the box.
  • Remove a recipient Click the name, and then press Delete.
  1. Click Send.

Tip:  If you want all replies to automatically open in a new window, from the File menu, click Options > Mail. Under Replies and forwards, check the Open replies and forwards in a new window box.

When you reply to an email message, the person who sent you the message is automatically added in the To box. Similarly, when you use Reply All, the To box automatically includes the sender and all of the other people who received the original message.

Before you click Reply All, consider whether everyone needs to see your reply, especially when the message was sent to a lot of people or distribution lists. It's often better to click Reply, and then add only the people you really want to include. Or, if you decide to click Reply All, remove people who don't need to see your message.

When you forward a message, the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes are empty. Enter at least one recipient in the To box.

Tip:  If you want to forward two or more messages to the same recipients in one message, in the message list, press and hold Ctrl as you click each message. Then, click Home > Forward. Each message is forwarded as attachments in one new message.

Attachments: When you forward a message, the message includes any attachments that were included with the original message. Additional attachments can be added to the message.

Attachments aren't included when you reply to a message. That's because you would be sending the same attachment the sender sent you.



Outlook for Mac

Reply to the sender or other recipients

You can reply to only the sender of a message, or any combination of people who appear on the To and Cc lines. You can also add new recipients.

    1. On the Home or Message tab, click Reply or Reply All.

      Home or Message tab - showing reply or reply all actions

       Note  The name of the tab depends on whether the message is selected in the message list or opened in its own window.

      To remove a name from the To and Cc lines, click the name and then press DELETE. To add a recipient, click in the To, Cc or Bcc box and enter the recipient.

      Cc is shorthand for carbon copy. If you add a recipient to this box in an Outlook email message, a copy of the message is sent to that recipient, and the recipient's name is visible to other recipients of the message.

      Bcc is shorthand for blind carbon copy. If you add a recipient to this box in an email message, a copy of the message is sent to that recipient, and the recipient's name isn't visible to other recipients of the message. If the Bcc box isn't visible when you create a message, you can add it by clicking the Options tab, and then in the Show Fields group, click Bcc.

    2. Compose your message.
  1. Click Send.

     Tip  Use discretion when you click Reply All, especially when there are distribution lists or many recipients on your reply. It's often better to use Reply and then add only necessary recipients, or use Reply All, but remove unnecessary recipients and distribution lists.

Forward a message

When you forward a message, the message includes any attachments that were included with the original message.

    1. On the Home or Message tab, in the Respond group, click Forward.

      Home or Message tab - showing respond or forward actions

       Note  The name of the tab depends on whether the message is selected in the message list or opened in its own window.

    2. Enter recipients in the To, Cc, or Bcc boxes.

      Cc is shorthand for carbon copy. If you add a recipient to this box in an Outlook email message, a copy of the message is sent to that recipient, and the recipient's name is visible to other recipients of the message.

      Bcc is shorthand for blind carbon copy. If you add a recipient to this box in an email message, a copy of the message is sent to that recipient, and the recipient's name isn't visible to other recipients of the message. If the Bcc box isn't visible when you create a message, you can add it by clicking the Options tab, then click Bcc button.

    3. Compose your message.
  1. Click Send.

Tip:  If you want to forward two or more messages to the same recipients as one message, click one of the messages, press COMMAND, and then click each additional message. On the Home tab, click Forward. Each message is forwarded as attachments in a new message.



Outlook for IOS

1. Tap the email message you would like to reply to or forward then tap the Reply arrow.

2. You will then be prompted to either Reply or Forward the message.

3. Additionally, the options to Reply, Reply All, and Forward are available at the bottom of the message menu.

Outlook for Android


1. Tap the email you would like to reply to or forward. Tap the reply button to open options to Reply, Reply All, or Forward.

2.You can also reply by scrolling to the bottom of the message and tapping the reply, reply all, or forward buttons.

3. Write your message.

4. Reply All: Before you decide to reply all to the message, consider whether everyone needs to see your reply, especially when the message was sent to a lot of people or distribution lists. It's often better to click Reply, and then add only the people you really want to include. Or, if you decide to reply all, remove people who don't need to see your message.

Forward: When you forward a message, the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes are empty. Enter at least one recipient in the To box.

Attachments: When you forward a message, the message includes any attachments that were included with the original message. Additional attachments can be added to the message. Attachments aren't included when you reply to a message, because you would be sending the same attachment the sender sent you.


Outlook Web Apps

When you reply to a message, the subject is automatically copied and a prefix indicating that it's a reply is added at the beginning. The text of the original message is automatically copied into the new message.

To reply only to the person who sent the message:

1. Select the message in the reading pane.

2.At the top of the message, click Reply. A new message will appear addressed to the sender of the original message.

3. Add your response.

4. Click Send at the top of the message.

To reply to the sender of a message and all other recipients:

1. Select the message in the reading pane.

2. At the top of the message, click Reply all. A new message will appear addressed to the sender and to all other recipients of the original message.

3. Add your response.

4. Click Send at the top of the message.

When you forward a message, the subject is automatically copied and a prefix indicating that it's a forward is added at the beginning. The text of the original message is automatically copied into the new message.

1. Select the message in the reading pane.

2. At the top of the message click Forward. A new message will appear.

3. On the To line, enter the name or e-mail address of the person you want to forward the message to. You can also click To or Cc to jump to your address lists.

4. Add any other information that you want in the message, such as a quick note explaining why you're forwarding it.

5. Click Send at the top of the message.



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