Microsoft 365 - Outlook for Mac (How To) Create and add an email message signature

The following steps will show you how to create and add a signature to your emails in Outlook for Mac.

Create a new signature

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click Outlook on the menu and select Preferences.

    Click Preferences in the Outlook menu.

  3. Open Signatures.

    Open Signatures

  4. Click on the plus sign (+) on the bottom left corner.

  5. Enter the desired signature within the Signature field. You can format your signature or insert a Picture by clicking on the Format menu and then altering the signature to your liking.

  6. Double-click Untitled to rename it, for example, rename it to Bucky Badger.

  7. In the bottom section of the screen, select the desired options/actions (assign signature to new message).

  8. Close the Signature window.

outlook create creating signature signatures microsoft office365 o365 apple adding signatures sign signing 
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