UWM White Pages - Information Change

Address changes to the UWM online directory or to the printed Campus Directory should be requested as follows.

The term "UWM Online White Pages" refers to the search menu found in the upper right corner on the UWM Home Page (https://uwm.edu/).

Employees - UWM faculty and staff who would like to request a change to the building, room, or phone number listed on the UWM Online Directory (located at https://uwm.edu/directory/) or in the printed Campus Directory must send an email requesting the changes to hr-contact@uwm.edu. Once a change has been made in the UWM identity management systems, the changes will then carry over to Office 365

Students - Students that wish to update their White Pages information will need to make the changes in PAWS.

Special Cases - If someone is concurrently an employee and a student, they will both need to update the appropriate information in PAWS and send the corrections to hr-contact@uwm.edu.


whitepages, white pages, employee address change, address, building, employee, student, student address change, address change, phone number change, change, phone, O365 
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