Annuitant ePantherAccount Terms of Service
This article includes the Terms or Service and process for requesting an Annuitant continued access to their account.
Annuitants may request continued access to their ePanther account. In doing so, they will retain access to UWM IT services under the following conditions.
Terms of Service
The following terms and conditions are effective per University Policy S-61 12/20/2011:
- Annuitants will receive access to the same information technology services as are available to emerit faculty and staff.
- Annuitants must request continued access to their ePanther account prior to retirement or within 30 days thereafter from UWM by contacting the personnel representative of the appointing school/college or division. The personnel representative must approve requests to continue access to ePanther accounts.
- Requests made after the time frame listed above are subject to additional approval by the UITS IAM Program Sponsors.
- Continued access to an assigned ePanther account must be revalidated annually by the individual annuitant each fall in accordance with UWM procedures for validating Sponsored ePantherACCOUNTs. Failure to revalidate use of account will result in loss of access to services and possible loss of data maintained in services.
- UWM reserves the right to modify the terms of service one year after communicating the new terms of service to the annuitant. This communication will be made at the time of revalidation of the ePanther account.
- New retiring employees requesting continued access within one year of a pending change of terms of service will be informed of the change at the time of requesting continued access.
Workflow for Requesting an Account as an Annuitant
- Annuitant should contact their Personnel Representative (PREP)..
- After verifying* that the person in fact is an annuitant, the PREP should submit an incident to the UWM Help Desk. The ticket should ask for an annuitant account followed by the person’s full name and ePantherID.. Multiple requests can use subsequent lines.
- UWM Identity and Account Management will process the request and return notification.
- Renewal occurs in the fall semester of the next year. PREPS are emailed a list of their annuitants and are required to indicate whether to continue or discontinue sponsorship. If not renewed, the annuitant’s ePanther account will be scheduled to be deprovisioned and sent an email message with the date of deprovision. Annuitants initiated in the Spring will join the Fall renewal process..
* The timing of when HR would be notified of termination and entry into HRS may not always be timely, particularly if the request/intention is made prior to the actual retirement date. There may be some instances when an individual may NOT make their intention to retire known to their respective Department, but these instances would be exceptions rather than the norm.