PAWS - Online grade change directions for instructors

Instructors may complete an online grade change in PAWS.
NOTE: All student data seen below has been randomly created and is not that of actual UWM students.
NOTE: All @F grade changes are still to be done in PAWS and not via a paper form sent to the Registrar's office.
1. Log in to PAWS using your email address and password.
2. Select Self Service from the menu. 

3. Click on Faculty Center.

4. If the current term listed (i.e. Spring 2019) is not the term in which the grade change should be completed, click on the Change Terms button.

5. The following page appears. Using the radio buttons to the left of the list, select the appropriate term.

6. Open the grade roster by clicking on the icon.

7. Once you click on the grade roster icon, the following grade roster page appears. Next, click on the Request Grade Change button to open the grade roster.

8. Find the appropriate student(s), and then click on the drop down arrow in the 'Official Grade' field for that student(s). You have the ability to change as many grades as necessary on the roster.

9. Once you have selected the appropriate grade, the Grade Change Reason box will appear. You are not required to enter a Grade Change Reason, but it is available for use at your discretion. It is an unlimited word capacity text box. Click Submit at the bottom to complete the grade change.

10. Once you click the Submit button, a dialogue box will appear with a message detailing the total number of grade changes you have submitted for processing.

If you are finished, please click Sign out at the top of the screen. If you would like to continue working, click on the button twice to access other grade rosters or other terms.
You will receive an email notification once the grade change has been approved and posted to the student's record or when the change has been denied along with the reason for denial.


PAWS, grade, change, grade change, semester, grades, changing grades, @F 
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