PantherList (Information) List Moderation

PantherList is an email reflector and list service. PantherLists can be created by anyone with a valid ePanther ID and allow the user to create a list of email addresses that can be emailed all at once by using the PantherList address as the recipient. Depending on how the list to which you're trying to send is configured, messages may have to be approved by a moderator or owner before they're sent out to the rest of the subscribers on the list. Some lists, like the "Announcement List" type, only allow messages from an owner or other approved members and are not intended for replies or discussion.

PantherList can be found at:

Moderation Requests / Held for Moderator Approval

Moderation requests appear when when a non-member or moderated member of a PantherList attempts to send a message using that list. The message is placed into a special queue. Members of the list who have been assigned as moderators have the option to approve the message to be sent, or discard the message if it is deemed unsuitable for the list in question. Only users who have received moderation privileges are able to work with the moderation queue. Requests can be viewed by:

  1. Navigating to
  2. Signing in using standard UWM credentials and multi-factor authentication method
  3. Selecting View Moderation Requests from the right hand navigation on the page

At this point, the user should be presented with a dropdown menu. Each list to which the user has been assigned as a moderator will be shown in the list as well as the number of pending requests. Choosing one of the lists allows the user to view some details of the message and decide whether the message should be approved or discarded. It is also possible to create a rule, which will allow the list to automatically approve or discard any further messages sent by the email address which caused the moderation request.


Moderation Reasons

There are several reasons you may get moderator requests from your PantherList. One of the most common reasons is that a message is sent to your "Subscriber Only" list from someone who isn't a member. Another is that the message has been identified as possible spam.

Here are some other common reasons for messages being held in the moderator queue:

  • Message body is too big - By default, PantherList will compare the size of the incoming message to the size allowed for each list. By default, any message over 10 Mb is held for moderation. This is configurable in the "Advanced list options".
  • Post to moderated list - This is the reason that will be given if a moderated member sends a message to the list, if you've configured your entire PantherList to be moderated, or if someone tries to post to an "Announcement" type PantherList.
  • Post by non-member to a members-only list - This reason is given whenever a non-member tries to post to a PantherList configured to only accept posts from subscribed members of the list.
  • Message has a suspicious header - A PantherList can be configured to moderate messages with specific headers (e.g. "Subject: On Vacation"). If a message contains such a header, it will be held for moderation.
  • Message matches a filter rule - This is typically the reason given when a message is tagged as spam. To increase or decrease the level of Spam filtering on your PantherList, choose the Edit List Properties link from the PantherList Main Menu and choose a value between 1 and 10 that will trigger moderation.
  • Too Many Recipients: Pantherlist setting - # If a posting has this number, or more, of recipients, it is held for # admin approval. Use 0 for no ceiling. max_num_recipients = 10  

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Removing Size Limits

By default, PantherList holds any messages that are 40 KB or larger for approval before distributing the message to the list members. If messages are frequently held for approval because they are too large, you may wish to change the maximum allowed message size to "unlimited" by following these directions.

NOTE: Any configuration changes may not take effect for up to an hour.

1. Log into PantherList at
2. Click on Display Lists You Own.
3. Click on Edit Properties for the desired list.
4. Scroll down to the "Maximum Message Size” field and change the value to "0", which is, in essence, "no limit".
5. Scroll to the bottom of the web page and click the Update Properties button.
6. There will be no "success" message. When the page reloads, you can see if your changes took effect by checking the value in the "Maximum 7. Message Size" field.

If any messages were held for approval because the message size was too large, you will need to approve or reject that message; changing this setting will NOT retroactively allow messages to be distributed to your PantherList.

Limit Those Who Can Post

To allow only approved people to send messages to your list, take the following steps:

1. Log in to PantherList with your ePanther ID and password, then click the Edit List Properties link, and select the list you would like to configure.
2. In the White list text area, add the full email address of the people from whom you would allow posts, one per line.
3. Scroll down and change the "Who can post" radio button to "Moderators".
4. Click the Update button. Now, only the members you've chosen can post to your list.

An alternate way to allow only certain people to post to your list is:

1. Log in to PantherList with your ePanther ID and password, click the Edit List Membership link, and select the list you would like to configure.
2. Select the "Moderate all members" radio button and click Update.
3. All members now have their posts moderated.
4. Uncheck the box labeled "Moderated" for each member you want to allow posting from.
5. Click the Update button. Now, only the members you've chosen can post to your list.




Keywordspantherlist, reflector, moderation, request, moderate, moderation request. list service, listserv   Doc ID43760
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2014-09-30 12:19:11Updated2024-10-22 10:15:19
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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