High-Impact Practices (HIPs) Resources
- GER HIPs Checklist
- Syllabus Example
- HIPs Course Design Tools & Examples
- Course Design Examples
- HIPs Metric Tools and Rubrics
- Additional Resources
GER HIPs Checklist
Use the GER HIPs Checklist to review your GER course to indicate where and how select approaches from the Eight Key Elements currently appear in your course.
Syllabus Example
This example syllabus is structured to incorporate a variety of the Eight Key Elements.
HIPs Course Design Tools & Examples
The HIPs Course Design Tools provide examples and templates to facilitate easy design and embedding of the HIPs Eight Key Elements into specific course components, pedagogical strategies, and assessment activities. Each tool can be used individually or as a cohort. The HIPs features work best when supported by other aspects of your course.
- HIPs-rich Assignment Builder
- HIPs Discussion Builder
- HIPs-rich Low Stakes Builder and Rubric
- HIPs-Rich Content Selection
- HIPs Think-Pair-Share Activity
- HIPs Group Assignment Builder
- HIPs Lesson Plan Designer: Kolb’s Cycle
- HIPs Course Big Questions Builder
Course Design Examples
UWM's Examples of HIPs Key Elements highlights a multitude of examples for each HIP key element in various contexts.
HIPs Metric Tools and Rubrics
The HIPs Metrics provide helpful self-assessment tools to guide the design and redesign of courses in the form of rubrics. Though frequently used by individual instructors, the HIPs metrics are essential tools for scaling HIPs course design and measuring the strength of the HIPs quality. The HIPs Key Elements work best when supported by other aspects of your course that are included in the HIPs rubrics and metrics. For example, the HIPs "Assignment" rubric will guide you to include inclusive language, scaffolding smaller parts, or lowering a very high-stakes assignment to smaller, incremental points.
- HIPs-rich Assignment Rubric (scored)
- HIPs-rich Course Learning Outcomes Rubric
- HIPs First Day Lesson Plan Rubric (Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle)
- HIPs Scaffolded Assignment Rubric
- HIPs-Rich Syllabus Rubric
Additional Resources
Finley, A. (2019, November). A comprehensive approach to assessment of high-impact practices (Occasional Paper No. 41). National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).
Kuh, G. D., O’Donnell, K., Reed, S. D. (2013). Ensuring quality & taking high-impact practices to scale. Association of American Colleges and Universities.
High Impact Practices: An Educator’s Guide: Self-paced modules created by the National Association of System Heads
Eight Key Elements of High-Impact Practices Comparison by AAC&U
Eight Key Elements Tip Sheet from the University of Arizona