Instructional Development Booklets
The following is a list of resources available through CETL’s electronic resources site in Pantherfile at UWM. These resources are available to the UWM community. To gain access to these selections, please click on the link below and enter your Panther EID and password in the pop-up window.
- First Year Seminar Instructor Examples: First Day Strategies
- Critical Thinking
- First Day Strategies
- Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle
- Learner-Centered Course Design
- Learning in Small Groups
- Low Stakes Assessment Strategies
- Pre-Post Assessment: Making Learning Transparent
- Rubrics: What They Are and Aren’t; What They Can and Can’t Do
- Scaffolded Assignments: Designing Structure and Support
- When Students Begin to Think Critically (SoTL Projects)
- Course Design Institute