Academic Integrity in Online Learning

Academic integrity is an integral part of learning at UWM in all modes of instruction – whether online, blended, or face-to-face. The tips below offer instructors and students support in navigating academic integrity online.

For Instructors

Ensuring Academic Integrity

  • Be clear about the consequences of violating academic misconduct policies in your course syllabus.
  • Remind students that even though courses are now all online, the UWM academic misconduct policies still apply. Be specific about the ways in which your policies are implemented in online learning.  Include a link to the academic misconduct policies for students’ reference:
  • Use Canvas to post announcements and reminders about academic integrity, especially before exams or key assignments.
  • Invite students to ask questions about what kinds of collaboration and resource use are appropriate and not academic misconduct.
  • Limit the time in which a student can complete an online assignment to something that is reasonable yet prevents the ability to use outside or unauthorized materials (if this is not permitted).
  • Be aware of “study sites” for your materials, including but not limited to sites like,, and, and inform students of whether these sites are appropriate sources.
  • When you suspect academic misconduct has occurred in your course, follow the appropriate procedures. Utilize the Dean of Students Office Academic Misconduct Procedures to guide you:
  • Academic integrity is fundamental to UWM’s mission. We all have a responsibility to educate students about the principles of completing their own work, appropriately citing sources, and respecting others’ work.  Consistently stating and upholding UWM’s academic integrity principles fosters student development and responsibility.
  • To help students understand academic misconduct, create a short quiz/questions that students can use to check their knowledge and demonstrate their understanding. In addition, let students know that they will be asked to verify when they submit work that it is their own.
  • If you have questions, contact your College’s Investigating Officer or the Dean of Students.

Assisting Students in Navigating Online Learning

  • Clarify expectations on topics like collaboration with others and how students may utilize online resources to complete assignments.
  • Include clear rubrics that outline expectations for each assignment.
  • Use low-stakes assessments and scaffolded assignments to engage students in learning and assess the course as it progresses.
  • Communicate with students about challenges or limitations to online access, including students who must share internet and computer access with others, or take care of family members.
  • Communicate with other instructors/deans/chairs of your department and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning on best practices for technology use and UW System approved tools that can be  integrated in your course.
  • Refer to the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to effectively utilize Canvas:

For Students

Ensuring Academic Integrity

  • Students are expected to maintain academic integrity, refraining from academic dishonesty as laid out in the UWM academic integrity policies, UWS Chapter 14:
  • Ask your instructor if you are unsure about how to complete an assignment or course requirement appropriately.
  • Read the syllabus for information relating to acceptable sources, and uses
  • When collaborating with other students, collaborate for a better understanding of the material, not for answers, unless otherwise directed by an instructor.
  • If you are unable to complete assignments, some instructors may be flexible in their deadlines, and receiving a late penalty is far better than academic dishonesty.

Navigating Online Learning

  • Check Canvas and your UWM email daily for up-to-date information about course changes, due dates, and university announcements.
  • Utilize the Writing Center, which offers resources like style guides and online tutors.
    • Communicate with your instructors via Canvas messages or email about any questions you have about assignment completion.
    • When completing assignments, be sure to refer to instructor and department information on acceptable resources that can be  utilized to complete assignments.

    Additional Resources

    academic integrity, online proctoring, academic dishonesty 
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    Owned by:
    Katherine P. in CETL
    UW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning