Remote Help on Windows

This article goes over the process of allowing a technician to use Remote Help on a Windows Device

Remote Help Client
Remote Help client is installed on all campus managed Windows 10 and above devices.
Clients can also download the Remote Help Windows Client here for personal devices:

Request Help

When you are trying to receive help, be prepared to enter a security code that you'll get from the individual who is assisting you. You'll enter the code in your Remote Help instance to establish a connection to the helper's instance of Remote Help.


As a sharer, when you've requested help and both you and the helper are ready to start:

  1. Start the Remote Help app on the device and sign in to authenticate to your organization.
  2. After signing into the app, get the security code from the individual assisting you and enter the code. Then select Submit.


  1. After submitting the security code from the helper, the helper sees information about you including your full name, job title, company, profile picture, and verified domain. As the sharer, your app displays similar information about the helper.


  1. At this time, the helper might request a session with full control of your device or choose only screen sharing. If they request full control, you can select the option to Allow full control or choose to Decline the request. Full control must be established before the help session starts.


  1. After establishing the type of session (full control or screen sharing), the session is established, and the helper can now assist in resolving any issues on the device.

Provide Help

Follow the process described in this section to give help:

  1. Locate the Remote Help app on your device and manually start it. After the Remote Help app opens, you'll need to sign in to authenticate your organization.
  2. After signing into the app, under Give help select Get a security code. Remote Help generates a security code that you'll share with the person who has requested assistance. The sharer enters the code in their instance of the Remote Help app to establish a connection to your Remote Help instance.




After the sharer enters the security code, as the helper you'll see information about the sharer, including their full name, job title, company, profile picture, and verified domain. The sharer sees similar information about you. At this time, you can request a session with full control of the sharer's device or choose only screen sharing. If you request full control, the sharer can choose to Allow full control or to Decline the request.


Now you'll be in a session with the user with the same experience and procedure outlined in the section Provide help.



During a Remote Help session, when a helper has the Elevation permission, the helper will not automatically be able to view the sharer's UAC prompt. Instead, for a non-admin sharer, a button will appear on the helper's Remote Help toolbar that will allow them to request access to the UAC prompt on the sharer's device. Once requested and accepted, the helper will be able to perform elevated actions on the sharer's device. When the sharer ends the Remote Help session, they will be shown a dialog box that will warn them that if they continue, they will be logged off. If the helper ends the session, the sharer will not be logged off.


Additional information from Microsoft about Remote Help.

Use Remote Help to assist users authenticated by your organization. | Microsoft Learn

KeywordsRemote Help, Remote Support, desktop support, Windows   Doc ID136623
OwnerKeith E.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2024-04-05 14:00:00Updated2024-04-12 08:46:46
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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