ePanther Account Closure and Deprovisioning Explanation

This article explains when accounts close and steps to take to keep data and files.

ePanther Account Closure and Deprovisioning

Student Accounts

Student accounts have a two-semester grace period after they are no longer enrolled in classes. After this time, the account will be closed.

Students who were UWM employees (TA who is instructing classes, academic staff, university staff) will lose accesses to UWM services and their data immediately upon leaving UWM. Students who had student hourly jobs or student assistant jobs (such as a TA assisting in a class) will have the two-semester grace period.

Every fall and spring semester, closure warning emails are sent to accounts that have met the two semester criteria. This information gives account holders time to transfer any necessary data out of their account prior to closure. Shortly after the account is closed, data will be deleted.

If you receive closure warning email and are unsure if it is legitimate, contact the UWM Help Desk.

Employee Accounts

Employee accounts lose access to UWM services and their data immediately upon leaving. 

If former employees were instructors of record (per PAWS) in at least one class, they will retain their accounts for 90 days after the last semester they taught.

How To Prepare for Account Closure

It is important to prepare before your account is closed. When your account is closed, your files, data and any work you have done on UWM services will be removed. You may verify the status of your access by visiting the ePantherACCOUNT Closure website located at http://epanther.uwm.edu/close

Files and Data

Files and/or data you have maintained and wish to keep should be moved to personal storage or forwarded to another service provider. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Outlook email or calendar events
  • Files stored in OneDrive
  • Coursework in Canvas
  • Website files
  • Data contained in the UWM Survey Instrument

Employees: Any resources used in the course of your work or files required by your department should be shared with personnel in your department before your account closure. Before leaving UWM, employees and their supervisors/departments should consult the Employee Off-Boarding – Microsoft 365 Data Management Plan.

Data recovery: UWM IT can usually recover Outlook email messages for up to 30 days and OneDrive deleted files for up to 90 days after account closure. If you need access to files that were deleted because a former colleague’s account was closed, please contact the UWM Help Desk to determine if it can be recovered.  

Email and Calendar

If you are actively using your Microsoft 365 email, notify individuals that your Microsoft 365 email account will be closing. To do so, you can set up an Automatic Reply before your account closure. For more information, see the KnowledgeBase article: Office 365 Automatic Replies. This automated notification will only be in effect until your account is closed.

The following list of KnowledgeBase articles explain how to export or migrate email out of Microsoft 365:

UWM IT services are not able to assist with migrating email outside of the UWM Microsoft 365 environment.

Shared Mailboxes and Calendars

If you are the owner of Microsoft 365 Shared Mailboxes you should update their ownership. For more information, see the KnowledgeBase article: Manage Shared Mailbox Membership.

If you schedule Microsoft 365 Calendar Resources, you can also update the ownership. For more information, see the KnowledgeBase article: Configure Resource Calendar.

Teams Shared Phone Queues

If you are a member of a call or voicemail queue for a shared Teams phone number, request to be removed from the queue using the Teams Call Queue form. If users with closed accounts are left on a call or voicemail queue, it may break the entire queue and calls will not go through to the queue.

closure, close account, closing account, deprovision, deprovisioning, delete account, leave UWM, leaving UWM 
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