Canvas External Tools - About Pearson

Pearson is an external tool that provides Canvas integration. To use Pearson in Canvas, instructors must request for the tool to be activated. Students should contact their instructors or refer to their syllabus for information on what Pearson tools are used for in their course, and any associated costs.

What is Pearson?

Pearson is an external tool that provides Canvas integration, giving instructors, institutions, and students easy access to MyLab and Mastering courses.To use Pearson in Canvas, instructors must request for the tool to be activated. Students should contact their instructors or refer to their syllabus for information on what Pearson tools are used for in their course, and any associated costs.

Who can use Pearson?

Pearson is a tool that can be used by students, instructors, and faculty. To access Pearson there is a cost that varies depending on the department at UWM. For requests to add Pearson to a course please go to this link on requesting an External Tool to be added: External Tool Request Link.

Where can students and instructors go for support with Pearson?

Pearson support page: Pearson's support site.

Pearson homepage: Pearson's homepage.

What should I do if I have an accessibility concern?

Pearson accessibility page: Pearson's accessibility site.

What are the alternatives to Pearson?

Pearson is widely used at UWM however, there are more cost efficient alternatives. OERs or Open Educational Resources can offer up a more cheap option to help give students access to class content. For information on OERs at UWM please visit the OER UWM Guide.

For additional help with OERs please visit the CETL's Website.

pearson canvas external tools about support 
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David D. in CETL
UW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning