Microsoft 365 - Mac (Troubleshooting) "Your Account Doesn't Allow Editing on a Mac" Error

You may encounter an error when trying to edit Microsoft 365 files on your Mac device that stops you from being able to edit Word files. If you are UWM Faculty or Staff, please contact the UWM Help Desk. If you are a student, please try to log in and out of your Microsoft 365 account.

Full Error Message

“Your account doesn't allow editing on a Mac. To learn more, contact your admin about your Microsoft 365 plan."

If You are UWM Faculty or Staff

Please contact the UWM Help Desk at UWM Help Desk - Getting Help Page.


If You are a Student on a Personal Device:  

  • Sign out of your Microsoft 365 account on your Mac device and then sign back in. 

  • If re-logging into your account does not fix the error, you can reach out to a third party technology repair (there may be a fee).

  • You can contact Apple Support to try additional troubleshooting.

mac, error, editing, 
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