Canvas - External Tools - About LinkedIn Learning
What is LinkedIn Learning?
LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform with thousands of ready-to-take courses at no cost to UWM students, faculty, and staff. LinkedIn Learning's course portfolio centers around technologies, business practices, and the creation of assets and media.
LinkedIn Learning is administered by University IT Services. For more information about LinkedIn Learning at UWM, visit the LinkedIn Learning Campus Technology website.
Who can use LinkedIn Learning?
LinkedIn Learning is free to use for all UWM students, faculty, and staff. It can be used in any For-Credit (SIS) and Supplemental course. The tool is automatically available and no special request is necessary.
How do I use LinkedIn Learning with Canvas?
Refer to this article to add LinkedIn Learning modules to Canvas: Canvas / LinkedIn Learning - How to add materials to Canvas Modules and Assignments
Where can students and instructors go for support with LinkedIn Learning?
- Support for all UWM audiences is provided by the UWM Help Desk.
- Key information about LinkedIn Learning, including Frequently Asked Questions are available at UWM's LinkedIn Learning Campus Technology website.
- CETL cannot provide support or troubleshooting for LinkedIn Learning. Your school/college may provide support for LinkedIn Learning. For more information, contact your school/college teaching and learning support office.
What should I do if I have an accessibility concern?
If you discover an accessibility concern with LinkedIn Learning, report your concern to the UWM Help Desk. As a student, you should also contact UWM's Accessibility Resource Center and your instructor to ensure they are aware of your concern.
What are the alternatives to LinkedIn Learning?
LinkedIn Learning is a unique service to UWM in that it significantly augments both professional development, and course materials. Instructors should leverage LinkedIn Learning whenever the material in the platform meets their courses needs.
There are some circumstances where other resources should be used instead of LinkedIn Learning for your course or development.
- Instructors: For Canvas LMS, Kaltura/My Media, Zoom and other services, supported by CETL, search the UWM Knowledgebase for resources, or contact CETL for additional information.
- For all services supported by UWM, it is always worth checking with the provider for tutorials and resources which may be more up-to-date than LinkedIn Learning, particularly on "bleeding edge" features.