Canvas - Microsoft 365 - How to Reset the Connection Between Canvas and OneDrive

The article outlines detailed instructions for resetting tokens in both Canvas and Microsoft 365 at UWM. This procedure helps in resolving access errors for Microsoft 365 documents within Canvas. The process is divided into two parts: one for Canvas and another for Microsoft 365. Specific steps are given for each part, with slight variations for Windows and MacOS users. The article also recommends browsers to use and provides contact information for further assistance if needed.

Before You Begin

  • This article explains how to reset tokens in Canvas and Microsoft (Office) 365.
  • Please note that instructions below differ depending on whether you are using Windows or MacOS.
  • To complete these instructions, we recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • To complete these instructions, we recommend using a desktop or laptop computer instead of a mobile device or game console.

How to Reset Tokens

When accessing Microsoft 365 documents in Canvas, many errors can be resolved by removing and replacing access permission in both Canvas and Microsoft 365. In Canvas, remove all Microsoft 365 integrations from your Canvas Settings page. In Microsoft 365, remove the Microsoft 365 Prod app from the Office Apps page.

Part 1: Steps for Resetting Tokens in Canvas

To begin these steps, remove all instances of "Office 365 Prod IAD" from your Canvas Settings page, under the Approved Integrations heading.

  1. In your browser, login to Canvas using the Canvas website:
  2. Click the Account icon.
  3. In the Canvas Account tab, click the Settings link.

    A screenshot of the Account panel, with a red box over the Settings link.

  4. Find the Approved Integrations list.
  5. Find the first "Office 365 Prod IAD" Approved Integration. (In some cases, more than one instance of "Office 365 Prod IAD" is listed.)

    A screenshot of the demonstration user's Settings page, with a box around the Approved Integrations heading, preceeded by a circle 5 icon; Trash icons are highlighted with a circle 6 icon next to it.

  6. Click the Trash icon to delete it from the list.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all instances of "Office 365 Prod IAD" are removed.
    • TIP: to find applications in the list faster, use CTRL+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac) to search the page for the application by-name.
  8. Delete Office 365 Prod IAD tokens until this "Oops! The last request didn't work out." error message appears.

    A screenshot of the Settings page, with an error message at the top of the image which reads "Oops! The last request didn't work out."

  9. Click the Account icon.
  10. Log out of Canvas by clicking the Logout button.

    A screenshot of the demonstration user's Account panel, with the Logout button highlighted.

Part 2: Steps for Resetting Tokens in Microsoft (Office) 365

Now you have reset Canvas tokens the next steps are to reset these tokens in Microsoft 365 as well.

  1. Visit the Website:
  2. On the website click either For Faculty/Staff or For Students.
  3. Click the Microsoft 365 link. (Microsoft 365 is found under both drop-down menus)

    A screenshot of the website, with the For Students and For Faculty / Staff menus highlighted, along with the Office 365 link highlighted.

  4. Click your profile icon in the top right corner of your screen.
  5. Click the View Account link below your email address.

    A screenshot of the Microsoft 365 dashboard, with the demonstration user's profile panel open in the upper right; the View account link is highlighted.

  6. On the left side menu, find and then click "Office Apps".

    A screenshot of the My Account page in Microsoft 365, with the left-hand Office apps link highlighted.

  7. Click App Permissions in the Office Apps tab on Microsoft 365.

    A screenshot of the Office Apps page, where the App permissions widget is highlighted.
  8. Find "Office 365 LTI Prod IAD."
  9. Click on Revoke.

    A screenshot of the App permissions page. The Office 365 LTI Prod IAD app is highlighted with a circle 8 icon next to it, and the Revoke link for the app is highlighted with a circle 9 next to it.

  10. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  11. Click on the Sign-out link in Microsoft 365.

    A scresnshot of the demonstration user's My Account page, with the Profile panel in the upper right opened, and the Sign Out link is highlighted.

  12. Close your web browser. (Note: in most cases, closing the browser window is not sufficient).
  13. Go to the UWM Canvas Website:
  14. Click the Login button and enter your UWM email address and password if prompted.
  15. Navigate to your Canvas course that was experiencing token issues.
  16. Then click the "Collaborations" link in your Canvas course.

    A screenshot of the user's demonstration course, with the Collaborations navigation link highlighted.

After finishing these instructions, you will be prompted to re-authorize access to Canvas and Microsoft 365. Once completed, you should now be able to access the desired document from OneDrive in your course.

For Further Assistance

If you are still having problems, students should contact the UWM Help Desk. Instructors should contact CETL.

KeywordsCanvas, Microsoft Office 365, tokens, resetting, UWM, access permissions, Windows, MacOS, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, error resolution, OneDrive, browser restart, UWM Help Desk, CETL, Approved Integrations   Doc ID122975
OwnerDavid D.GroupCETL
Created2022-12-08 14:33:26Updated2024-05-03 12:53:21
SitesUW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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