Uploading a Video or Audio File to My Media

The following procedure shows you how to upload a video file to My Media by Kaltura. My Media is a media streaming service that is integrated with Canvas. The videos you upload to My Media can be embedded wherever Canvas allows you to use the RCE (Rich Content Editor).
In order to post a video in Canvas, you must first upload the video to your My Media account by doing the following: 

1. In Canvas, click Account and select My Media.

Click Account on top left of page and click My Media

Your list of My Media videos appears.

2. To upload a new audio or video file to your account, click Add New and select Media Upload.
add new

3. Read terms and conditions and click the "I agree to the above terms and conditions" disclaimer.

click the agreement

4. Click Choose a File to Upload.

click Choose a File to Upload

5. Select the file to upload.

select file

My Media file size upload limit -  Try to keep video files under 2 GB because the larger the file is, the longer it takes My Media to upload and process it.

Audio and video file formats you can upload to My Media - AVI, ASF, FLV, MP4, MP3, MPG, MOV, M4V, QT, M4V, WMA, WMV, and more. Click here for a full list of file formats My Media supports. 

6. Once your media uploads, do the following:

A. Edit the file's name. Note that this name appears to all your media's viewers/listeners.

B. Optionally enter a brief description.

C. Optionally add collaborators (for example, you might want to add co-instructors or TAs as collaborators so they can link to or embed this video in Canvas. See Kaltura - Media Collaboration: Changing media ownership, adding co-editors, co-publishers, and co-viewers.

D. Leave the video status as Private. Do not change it to Public. 

E. Click the Save button to save your changes while your video uploads. 

 Media details page
After your file is uploaded:
  • Kaltura MediaSpace will take additional time to initially display your video in your "My Media" area. When it does appear in My Media, an icon indicating it is still processing will display until it is done processing. 
After you upload the video to My Media, you can embed the media in your Canvas class without taking up any file space in the classroom.


The amount of time it takes Kaltura MediaSpace to process a file is dependent on its file size, duration, quality, and usage.

Generally it takes about 2-3 times the video's duration for Kaltura MediaSpace to display an initial lower quality version of your video. For example, a 15 minute video will usually take about 30-45 minutes to initially process. (Higher quality versions will take longer to process.) When Kaltura MediaSpace is being heavily used, processing times will lengthen and could take up to 24 hours. 

upload, uploading, My Media, MyMedia, video, video file, audio, audio file 
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Owned by:
Katherine P. in CETL
UW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning