Canvas - Creating and Managing Pageless Redirects

The Pageless Redirect tool in Canvas allows administrators, support professionals, and other specific users to manage and update navigation links without altering existing configurations. This is useful for scenarios such as updating semesterly course links or altering a resource URL shared across multiple courses. The tool enables users to create a redirect URL, which can be easily updated or deleted as needed. Access to this tool is restricted to specific roles such as UWM CETL consultants, CETL Support Commons partners, and business units offering support university audiences. Access and usage instructions include requesting access through CETL Support Commons, creating a pageless redirect, updating the redirect, and deleting it if necessary. Pageless Redirects are compatible with the Canvas Redirect Tool for subaccounts and courses.

What is the Pageless Redirect tool?

When administrators or support professionals create links in Canvas, there are times where the link needs to be updated while leaving existing configurations in-place. Here are some example use cases.

  • A school or college is offering a course that is replaced every semester. The UWM Canvas Administrator sets-up a navigation link for the school/college.
    • This tool will let the school or college update the navigation link to the semesterly course on their own, without needing to contact the Canvas Administrator.
  • A business unit is offering a resource to a group of courses. The resource is likely to change from time-to-time.
    • This tool will let the business unit update the resource URL without having to update multiple courses.

When a user creates a pageless redirect, a URL will be created. Example: When the link is loaded in the browser, it will re-direct to the Destination URL provided when the pageless redirect was created.

Who can use this tool?

This tool can be used by any of these audiences:

  • UWM CETL consultants
  • School and college teaching and learning support
  • School and college IT support
  • School and college 
  • UW-Extended Campus designers when supporting UWM courses
  • Business units that offer support to UWM audiences

How to request access

Contact the CETL Support Commons.

How to access the tool

Note: you must have an administrator role in Canvas to complete these steps.

  1. In Canvas, click any course.
  2. In the courses navigation, click "UWM Canvas Tools".
  3. On the Administrators tab, click "Manage Pageless Redirects".
  4. If prompted, enter your UWM ePantherID and password, and respond to any MFA challenges.

You will be taken to the backend Dashboard. You will also see any pageless redirects that you may have already created.

How to create a pageless redirect

On the Pageless Redirects list, click the "Add New" button. On the page that loads, enter a 1) title for the link and 2) destination URL.

When you click the Publish button, a Permalink will be created. Copy the permalink that is created. This link will be used in Canvas.

Visit the link in a new browser tab to test and ensure the redirect goes to the correct location.

How to update a pageless redirect

From the Pageless Redirects list, click the title of the link to change. Then, change the Destination URL and click Publish. 

How to delete a pageless redirect

Important: if you delete the link, any Canvas navigation or RCE link will stop working. Update content or remove Canvas redirects before doing this!

From the Pageless Redirects list, click the title of the link to change. Then, click the Move to Trash link.

Now what?

If you are a Support Admin or an Institutional Admin for a UWM sub account, you can use the Canvas Redirect Tool for your sub account.

These links can also be used any place where the Rich Content Editor is used.

For Support

Contact the CETL Support Commons. A Canvas Administrator will be in-touch.

Pageless Redirect tool, Canvas, administrators, support professionals, UWM Canvas Administrator, navigation link, URL, semesterly course, business unit, UWM CETL consultants, School and college IT support, UWM audiences, CETL Support Commons, destination URL, ePantherID, MFA challenges, backend Dashboard, permalink, redirect, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 
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Owned by:
David D. in CETL
UW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning