Canvas - Integration - GoReact

GoReact is an interactive platform for feedback, grading and critiquing of video assignments. The GoReact integration with Canvas has been approved for use within the Digital Learning Environment.


GoReact is a tool for teaching performance-based skills online. It is an interactive cloud-based platform for feedback, grading, and critiquing of student video assignments.

Instructors create the video assignments. Students upload or record their video submissions. Instructors and/or peers then leave time-coded text, video, or audio feedback. Assignments are graded using easily-customized rubrics or points. Reports allow you to track and measure student progress.


This is not a free tool.  License with GoReact required.

New Users:

Interested faculty and staff should contact their institutional admin if they are interested in using this tool.



Security Information:

Privacy Policy:

KeywordsExternal Apps LTI video assignments feedback gradingDoc ID106441
OwnerAaron A.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2020-10-07 07:31:02Updated2021-06-28 12:08:47
SitesUW System Administration DLE, UW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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